Thank you to everyone who has supported my cause!

Giving hope to Type 1 diabetic children one book at a time!
Help us achieve our goals!
Thank you to everyone who has supported my cause!
Help us achieve our goals!
Samuel was diagnosed as a Type 1 warrior in March 2016 (just 5 days before Easter!), understanding what this new condition meant for him and his family was hard and Samuel wished that there was a book he could have read that let him know it was gonna be ok! He wanted to help others have hope in a hard time and that desire was the birthplace for his book, mixed with the inspiration of one of his favourite authors Dr. Suess.
He explained that telling his friends about his diabetes journey was like talking to an alien as they just didn’t understand it, and that was when he thought of Zegg. Samuel has acquired funding and worked hard to make this book a reality that he can gift many copies to the hospital that have helped him so much and to other children as they begin their own Type 1 journey.
He is now 13 and his life is almost hardly limited by his diabetes, he has highs and lows and has to take insulin but he has a life full of adventure, joy and hope.
Thank you for stopping by and for helping us to give hope to children who are newly donated, each book really does help a new family after the bombshell has dropped and the world has been turned upside down.
To donate books all across the UK to newly diagnosed Type 1 children in as many NHS trusts as possible In the average year over 5000 children's lives are changed by a Type 1 diagnosis.
Samuel hopes that he can help to teach and educate people on Type 1 diabetes - being aware of it, understanding it and helping families live with it.
Purchase your own copy of 'Oh one day...', it will be mailed to your UK address FREE OF CHARGE. Allow 7-10 days for delivery of the book.
Explaining diabetes to your friends and family can feel like talking to aliens.
Let Zegg and this book help you explain it easier whilst giving you hope.
Hardbacked book
210mm x 210mm
28 pages
Purchase your own copy of 'Oh one day...',
INTERNATIONAL MAIL including international standard mail. Allow 14-21 days for delivery of the book.
Explaining diabetes to your friends and family can feel like talking to aliens.
Let Zegg and this book help you explain it easier whilst giving you hope.
Hardbacked book
210mm x 210mm
28 pages
You can donate money to the cause which will be used to give copies of the book FREE OF CHARGE through the paediatric diabetes teams around the UK to families and children with a recent Type 1 diagnosis.
Thank you for helping make a difference.